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Welcome to our Communication Page.

Communication is central to life and learning. It is a fundamental human right. Through communication we build social relationships and knowledge, make our needs and feelings known and share ideas with others. The acquisition of communication skills is of the utmost importance and many aspects of encouraging and aiding communication will be explored, including the use alternative and augmentative systems and technological aids. Communication, interaction, speaking and listening skills will be developed and encouraged for a range of purposes and in a range of situations.

The Russett School promotes a ‘Total Communication’ approach to the teaching and learning of language and communication in the academy’s curriculum. The strategies included cover a wide range of modes of communication including spoken language alongside the use of augmentative and alternate communication devices (AAC), communication boards, picture exchange communication symbols (PECS) and sign language (Makaton). The academy recognises that language and communication underpins the whole curriculum. This is particularly relevant in the social exchange of requesting, expressing needs and sharing knowledge, skills and understanding. As such, it is at the core of our curriculum and the importance of communication in empowering pupils to function within society and enabling their access to learning and knowledge. We aim to create a ‘communication-enabling environment’ in which children can learn, play and develop skills alongside others while taking part in everyday social and educational activities.

Please click the link above to discover supportive strategies, resources and information regarding our approach to Communication.

For any questions regarding our Communication Strategy, please contact Ed Duffy our Communication Lead.

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